Anderson Voices For Animals



Help us plan fundraising events or spread the word about what we do. 

About us




Every penny we receive goes directly towards animal care.

How you can help

Be a Friend to Stray Animals 

Do you have stray cats in your neighborhood? Help keep animal populations low by providing shelter and accessing low-cost (or free!) local spay and neuter services.

We are a group of volunteers dedicated to ensuring everyone in Anderson County can access responsible, effective and humane forms of animal control. 


What we do

We work with volunteers and families throughout Anderson County to help ensure cats are spayed and neutered. 

Look for the ear tip

If you see a cat missing the tip of one of its ears, it's been spayed or neutered - and isn't going to breed. This is the only proven, effective way to manage animal populations. 

Donations go directly to animals in need

When you make a donation to Anderson Voices for Animals, your dollars go directly towards animal care, not administration costs. Every dollar helps! We're a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, so your donations are also tax deductible. 

Be part of the solution

There are several ways to help! Contact us to learn more!