Anderson Voices For Animals

Are you trying to find a way to manage problem mice or snakes on your farm? Cats are natural hunters who love to help!

Not every cat wants an indoor home. Cats that aren’t used to people are hard for shelters to adopt out, but they make great barn cats.

The barn cat program is for anyone who will:

- commit to providing fresh food and water daily for their barn pets

- have suitable shelter, such as a barn, the cats can access to escape bad weather

If you’re participating in the b
arn cat program, please be aware that you are adopting a cat. You are responsible for its ongoing care for its life.

How the program works
We suggest folks take on 2 cats. This gives your cats a companion and can make the transition to barn life much more smooth.

All cats are spayed and neutered before they enter the barn program, and are given their first set of vaccinations.

To get started, complete the online form on this page or email the following information to

- your name

- your address

- how many cats you would like to take on 

- your contact information to arrange a home visit

If your property is suitable, a date will be arranged for you to receive your new barn cats. We are working hard to save cats from our PAWS County Shelter. We appreciate your efforts to help us help the cats!

Barn cat program


Want a barn cat? 

Thank you for your interest in the barn cat program! We need just a few details from you to get started. 

After you submit the form, a volunteer will contact you to discuss the next steps, including a home visit.